What is Gratuity in India? is an important component of income but is ignored by most people, especially in the private sector. The reason is people don’t stick with one company for the long term – another reason is the uncertainty of job. Even “Yours Truly” changed 4 companies before starting a Financial Planning firm in 2009. But my partner Vikas was blessed with Gratuity when he left his job & that amount really came in handy. In this post, you can also check what is Gratuity, Rules, Gratuity Calculation of gratuity in India (you can also download Gratuity Calculator), Rules, Good news that came in 2021 & FAQs
What is Gratuity in Salary?
Gratuity is a payment made to an employee by the employer either at the time of retirement or when he is leaving the job. It is given to the employee once he/she has completed at least 5 years of continuous service. It is mandatory for any employer in the private sector or public sector who has 10 or more employees to pay gratuity to all employees. It is a monetary reward for being in service with the company. It acts as a retirement benefit & becomes part of a post-retirement plan.

Check – ESOP Calculation
Gratuity Act 2017 – Amendment
The Payment of Gratuity Act was enacted in 1972. The Act is applicable to all establishments – shops, mines, factories, companies, etc. It is not applicable for apprentices and persons in civil posts in Central and State governments who have some other rules apply.
So there’s good news – Central Government has increased the tax-free limit for private employees from Rs 10 Lakh to Rs 20 Lakh – that’s a huge benefit for middle & higher management employees.
What are Gratuity Rules?
Employees who have completed 5 years of continuous years of service with the employer are eligible for gratuity. It is paid to them at the time of termination of employment either due to retirement, resignation, superannuation, disablement, or death
If an employee works below the ground (e.g. mine), every year in which the employee works for more than 190 days in a year, is considered as 1 year. If the employee works above the ground, 240 working days in a year is taken as 1 year for calculation.
If the number of days the employee has worked in a year is less than prescribed above, it is ignored for payment calculation. For example, if an employee has worked for 4 years and 10 months, the duration is considered as 5 years and the employee will be eligible for gratuity. On the other hand, if the employee has worked for 4 years and 5 months, it is treated as less than 5 years and no gratuity will be paid.
If an employee expires, gratuity is paid to him for the number of years he worked with the company irrespective of his tenure with the company.
If the employee becomes disabled due to an accident or illness, an Amount is paid to him for the number of years he worked with the company, irrespective of his tenure with the company.
If a person has been terminated from his job due to illegal activities like riot or violence or due to acts that are morally wrong, gratuity is not payable to him.

Calculation of Gratuity In India
The Calculation of gratuity in India formula is based on salary and number of years of service.
For salaried employees, the law states that one should get a gratuity equal to 15 days of monthly salary for every completed year of service.
The formula to get the amount is – Salary * Tenure *15/26
Salary = Basic Pay + Dearness Allowance + Commission
Tenure = Number of years of service.
15 – Days for which salary is considered per month.
26 = Number of working days in a month (irrespective of whether you have a 5 day work week or 6 days work week)
For daily wage labourers, gratuity is calculated as Average Wage * 15 * Tenure
Average Wage – Average daily wage of the labourer for the last 90 days.
Tenure – Number of years of service
Read – LTA Rules & Tax Exemption
Gratuity Taxation Rules
Gratuity paid to Government sector employees is exempt from Tax.
Gratuity Calculation for Private Company
Gratuity rules for the private sector are a bit different – Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 gratuity is exempted up to the least of the following –
- Rs 20,00,000
- Actual Gratuity received
- Last drawn salary*15/26*Number of years of service
For private-sector employees not covered by the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, gratuity is exempt from tax in the hands of the employee up to the least of the following –
- Rs, 20,00,000
- Actual Gratuity received
- Average salary * (1/2*Number of years of service)
How to calculate Gratuity is a very common question on TFL – we have created a simple Gratuity Calculator
1) How can I get Gratuity?
Gratuity has to be paid within 30 days from the date it is payable to the person. If it is not paid within 30 days, the company has to pay simple interest from the date of eligibility till the date of actual payment.
Gratuity can be settled in form of cash, cheque, transfer to the account, or demand draft.
2) Does a company consider gratuity in CTC?
Some companies make it as part of CTC and some do not mention it as part of CTC.
3) Can an employer pay gratuity more than what is prescribed?
An employer is allowed to pay an amount greater than what is applicable to the employee as gratuity.
4) If an employee has been retrenched from the company for non-performance or cost-cutting, will he be eligible for gratuity?
If the employee has completed 5 continuous years of service, he is eligible for gratuity payment.
5) Is the probation period considered in tenure for the calculation of gratuity amount?
Yes, a probation period can be considered in determining number of years of service.
6) If an employee is transferred overseas on an assignment, will the tenure abroad be considered for gratuity?
The employee will be on the rolls of the company. So the tenure abroad should be considered for gratuity. If the employee has resigned from the company in India and given a new appointment letter overseas, then gratuity depends on the terms of employment.
Gratuity is usually a substantial amount. It is important to invest it wisely and not squander – that’s why financial planning is so important. Hope this helps you to understand all about gratuity. Do let us know your questions and comments on gratuity.
Actually a great news for me ?
Thanks for sharing the calculations Hemanth. Forwarded on intaranet.
Thanks Naresh
number of years – how that calculation will do.?
Ex: if employee worked for 5 years 9 months – will it calculate 5 years or 6 years ?
What will be the min days for considering as 1 year
Dear Hemant
Thank you for the article – very lucid and clear. Please do send us your gratuity calculator.
Regards and best wishes
Here you go – just added simple excel gratuity calculator in the post 🙂
Thanks Hemant for the details on gratuity. Very useful!!
Thanks Manjunath for appreciating – I wrote this article 6 months back but was waiting for this news to post 😉
I got superannuated on 24.01.2016 with 39 years of service in BHEL a PSU & got Rs. 10 lac as gratuity. Will I now get additional Rs. 10 lacs gratuity
My Father got superannuated on 31 st Jan 2016 from Indian oil corp Ltd with 33 yrs of service. Got rs. 10 lakh. Will he get additional 10 lakh now? Pls reply…
Dear sir, no.. you will not receive the double amount (I.e; Rs. 20 L) of gratuity (Rs. 10 L)… The amendment is applied only to avail TAX benefits on gratuity amount..
Dear Koushik,
Hans Raj is right – Superannuation fund and Gratuity are two different things.So he will not get any additional amount.
On retirement during/after Jan.2016 from Govt.Corporate body Gujarat Urja Vij Nigam Ltd./DGVCL etc.,diference of the enhanced amount of gratuity amended in 2017 can be payable as per initiation of the Union Cabinate of Sept.,2017.
My father was working in a shop since 36 year but unfortunately died in july 2017. Owner of the shop said that we don’t have employee’s more then 10 so can’t pay you gratuity. But last few year back he was more than 10 employees. My father always said that i have my gratuity amount around 5-6 lakh. Last salary drawn in account was 30000/-. The firm is available in delhi chandni chowk. They also have another firm in another place. His son is owner of this company.
So please helps us.
Dear Hemant, Could you please let us know the calculation as per new wadge. the file i thing calculated as old wadge
Minimum gratuty 10 lakh
After serving for 22 years in an MNC Bank, my role was made redundant and I was released w.e.f 25/12/2015 with 3 months notice pay wef 25/12/2015 to 24/3/2016 and redundancy pay starting 25/3/2016. Am I eligible to get the increase in gratuity which is applicable from 1/1/2016 ?
I have retired from undevided Andhra Pradesh State Financial Corporation on March, 2015. AP Govt. extended retirement age from 58 to 60 years wef. 2.6.14. Supreme Court extended the facility to PSUs also with monitory benefits wef from 2.6.14. Can I claim difference gratuity amount of Rs. 10 lacs ?
Sorry Natla.. you should get it checked in AP govt office.
Hello Hemant,
Shailesh Biradar here.
I have completed 1661 days or 4.55 yrs of service in public limited company, including three months of notice period?
Will I be eligible for gratuity?
Hi Shailesh,
My understanding is you should get that.
Definitively you will get man,don’t worry
Hello Shyam,
Thanks for your response, can you help me out with some case studies or some supporting documents
Hello Hemant,
Thanks for quick response.
Can I get some official document, for making it as basis for my claim.
Want to took your paid consultation in this matter.
Kindly share your contact number
Hello Hemant,
I was was work in hotel 14 years 10 month so how many gratuity me, if my basic salary 8000 per month.
Hi Surendra,
Check this with ur accounts department
Dear sir,
myself retired from one of the maharatna company(central govt) in 2016 may….can i eligible for other 10lach gradutity..
Dear Suresh,
I think you have misunderstood the post… Talk to accounts people in your old company.
I have worked in Vikram India Limited at Kolkata from 01/10/1984 to 31/01/2014 when they forcibly asked me to resign.my last salary payment was Rs.22000/-p.m.They didn’t show me the calculation of gratuity but paid me around Rs.1300000/-and settled my account. I want to know hoe legally I cam claim full payment of proper calculation gratuity and pension
Hi NandKishore Ji,
I will suggest you to discuss this with CA.. he will be in a better position to help.
Hello Hemant,
really appreciate your article. Thank you so much. here is my query.
i worked in software company, when i have joined, I’m the 6th employee. Now i have completed 5+ years and leaving the company and when i ask for gratuity management is saying that
“It is not there in your salary break up, we haven’t deducted any gratuity from your salary and as per our company policy there is no gratuity”.
so, am i’m not eligible for gratuity. ??
and what i can do ?
Thanks in advance for your response / suggestion.
Hi vish,
As you mentioned you you were the 6th employee.. it’s management discretion on Gratuity.
Every employer is bound to give gratuity amount to its employees if it employs more than 10 people.
Thanks for the prompt response.
But when i joined i’m the 6th employee but now there are 300+ employees and i completed 5 years 5 months.
You should consult a good CA.
ok sure. Thank you so much
Hi Hemant,
My company is saying that is not a part of salary structure and company policy. can you please suggest on this ?
Dear sir,
i am going to complete 31yrs and 6month service in central govt. my basic is 53600.00 and DA 2680.00.
Am I get Rs.2000000.00 of gratuity.
kindly help me how much i will get.
Please try the calculator.
HI Hemanth,
I have completed 4 years and 6.5 months in my present company, will i be eligible for gratuity.
Yes vijeta.
Hi Hemanth,
I have completed 4.7yrs in my current company. when i am asking for gratuity eligibility .they are telling 4.8yrs without notice period is mandatory.
Pls suggest… am i eligible forgratuity or not.
is gratuity calculation period varies organization to organization?
Hi Rekha,
It is universal .. please talk to a CA.
I am working in Pvt. Ltd. Company. I retired at age 60. But the Company has appointed me immediately after retirement in the same position. I am working in AGM level. My DOB is 20th of July, 1956. I joined this Company in 13th of September, 2013 and I am continuously serving after retirement. Am i entitled for Gratuty after completing 5 years tenure.
Dear Rajendra Ji,
My understanding is it will not be counted as a continuation of service.
Hello Shyam,
Thanks for your response, can you help me out with some case studies or some supporting documents
If an employee completed 4 years and 10 months in an organization and he retires will he/she will be eligibile for gratuity.
Yes. he/she will be eligible for gratuity
Hello Sir,
My company (Private) has made structural changes due to which several employees were asked to go in Oct 2017. As per the new law (to my knowledge) the maximum limit for gratuity is raised to Rs 20 lacs. All renowned websites, journals etc have mentioned the same. Please advise if this correct? If so where can I find a copy of this amendment / act?
I am working since 01.01.2008 & will leave on 30.11.17.,During 2009 I was absent more than 7 months.
should I get gratuity for 10 years calculation or 9years calculation.
Hi Pawan,
I am not sure how such a long break is considered – if they consider 2009 as rejoining (new), then you should get for 8-9 years.
Hello Sir,
I am Working in MNC company since Oct,1999 in UK based company and which was taken over by Belgium based company in 2005 and later taken over by German company in 2016, I have completed 18 years of service. how much Gratuity i can get now.
Hi Rajendra Ji,
It’s a complex case – please talk to your accounts department.
Hello Sir,
My name is sudip shekhar Roy & I am 31yrs old..Sir on date 04/03/2013 I have joined in private pharma company as a Territory manager & resigned on 4/10/2017
So my service period was 4yrs & 7 month so please guide me whether I am eligible for gratuity or not…
Dear Sudip,
You are eligible for gratuity.
hi did you got gratuity?? bcz i m also worked for 4years and 10 month and then put the resignation. am i eligible for gratuity??? pls suggest
I retired on superanuation after completing 38+ years of service in March 2017 and department paid me Rs.1390158/- as Gratuity. As on date of retirement my basic pay was Rs.82600/- and DA Rs.1652/-. Kindly confirm whether department paid me the correct Gratuity amount.
Dear Sukhdev,
You can check it on the calculator. The download link has been given above.
Hi Hemantji I was retired on 30-04-2017 under VRS scheme from SBI (eSBBJ). As per calculation for Gratuity the amount was Rs. 16.50 lac but due to Max. Amt of gratuity I was paid Rs. 10.00 lac. After amendment in act the maximum amount revised to 20.00 lac. Whether I am eligible for remaining amt i.e. 6.5 Lac now ?
Hi Prahlad Ji,
I will suggest discuss this with your accounts department.
Dear Sir,
I am working in privet sector ,I put my resignation today on 6th of DEC, my reliving date will be 5th of march 2018, according to company policy salary revision is from 1st march, on that day i will complete 11 year and 8 months.
how my gratuity will calculate? based on FEB salary or revised MAR.18 salary, Please reply and suggest is there any rules to consider last drawn salary for full month or partial is also acceptable.
Dear Vijay,
It will be calculated on your last drawn salary (Feb Salary).
Hai Sir how many years complete service for getting gratuity
Minimum 5 years
Hello , I have completed 4 years and 11 month from joining to last date of working in a company .. So Please let me know .. should I get gratuity ? ..
Am I eligible for gratuity or not ..
Dear Kamal,
You are eligible for gratuity.
Dear Sir,
That’s a nice information you shared. Thanks for that. I have one query. I was working with one of the IT company. It was a partnership firm. I have completed 6 years and 11 months in that organisation. I left job in Mar-2014 and i don’t know about the gratuity. One year before quitting my job our 2 bosses got split. I just came to know about gratuity. its now more than 3 years i left my previous job. I just want to know that am I eligible to ask gratuity from my ex organisation?? Sir, your suggestion will help me and will be a great help.
Dear Nilesh,
Yes. you can ask for the gratuity to your ex-employer.
I will also suggest you consult with your CA once.
Dear Sir,
For calculating gratuity, Salary = Basic Pay + Dearness Allowance + Commission
Here , can incentive be considered as commission?
I work in R&D. I dont get commission but I get quarterly incentive (2.5% of CTC).
dear sir
Private sector very low basic salary gratuity calculate basic not total monthly salary,
please gratuity calculate gross salary or monthly ctc salary.
Dear Upendra,
The formula to get the gratuity amount is – Basic Pay + Dearness Allowance + Commission
whether we need to enter the basic pay value per month or per year?
for the calculation.
Hi sir,
I have completed 5 years and given resignation also. software company having 300 employees.
my salary breakup doesn’t have DA . components are
Basic salary, HRA, Travel Allowance, Leave Travel allowance, medical reimbursement, special allowance and bonus.
please confirm how to calculate Gratuity?
Also there is no PF providing for employees.
Dear Manu,
You can download gratuity calculator to calculate your gratuity amount.
The download link has been given above.
I am working in an organization from last 6 year 6 , 6 month and 10 days. So what will be the time period I count? Organization calculating my gratuity as basic * 6.6* 15/26. Please help on this might be it will be count 7 year. And they are also calculating my starting 6 months gratuity 1/4 of 6 months. Is there any rule of this?
Dear Naveen,
As you have completed more than 6.5 years in the company so you are eligible for 7 years gratuity.
I will suggest you consult with your CA for the issue.
I have completed 7 years and 7 months.
I am eligible gratuity for 7 years or 7.5 years or 8 years?
Please guide.
Dear Jaydeep,
You are eligible for 8 years gratuity.
Hi Hemanth,
I have completed 4.8yrs in my current company. So I eligible for gratuity or not ?
My Joining date is 08 Apr 2013,
Dear Alpesh,
As you have completed 4 years & 8 months (More than 4.5 years & this will be considered 5 years) so you are eligible for gratuity.
HI Sir,
I have completed 4 years, 8 months and then resigned from a company. Am i eligible for gratuity or not?
Please let me know.
Dear Bala,
As you have completed 4 years & 8 months (More than 4.5 years & this will be considered 5 years) so you are eligible for gratuity.
Hi Sir,
I have completed 7 years and 2 months. it is a Pvt ltd company.
my salary breakup doesn’t have DA. components are Basic salary, HRA, medical Allowance, Travelling allowance and bonus.
please confirm how to calculate Gratuity?
my current salary is 26850/-
completed 7 yrs and 2 months and notice period 1 month
pls guide me
Dear Kiran,
You can download gratuity calculator to calculate your gratuity amount.
The download link has been given above.
Hello Sir may i please know the gratuity formula for government employee,my mother is nurse (ANM) as per my knowledge formula should be (Basic sal.+D.A.×15×no.of yr servces/26
But govt cleark saying no D.A. will consider and instead of deviding by 26 the devide by 30 so there formula is Basic×15×cmpleted srvices/30.
Which one is right for Govt health dept employee.
Dear Chetan,
I will suggest you consult this with your CA.
I worked for a company from 1st may 2012 to 28th Nov 2017. The company does not provided with salary slip&paid by cash for years together. How can I claim gratuity amount.
Dear Kumar,
As you are getting the salary in cash so you are not eligible for gratuity.
Hi Hemath,
Mohan here.
I am working in an organization from 4 years 10 months . I am planning to resign this organization end of this month. My notice period is 2 months there by I will be complete 5 years by April 2018. will I get gratuity or not?
Dear Mohan,
As you will complete 5 years in April & notice period is also counted as service provided by you. So you are eligible for gratuity.
sir please tell me what is meant by dearness allowance
Dear Chinnaraju,
Dearness allowance is part of a person’s salary. It is calculated as a percent of the basic salary.
pl. define no. of days worked (minimum) with the company actual figure with respect minimum workind days worked
Dear Shravan,
240 working days in a year is taken as 1 year for gratuity calculation.
Dear HR,
After continues service of 5 years . Gratuity years should calculated as roundup or at actual..,
means employee completed 5 plus 6 months service, so he is eligible for 5.6 months gratuity or 6 years gratuity?????
Dear Shweta,
Gratuity is calculated on roundup year. He will be eligible for 6 years gratuity.
i workd 19/08/2012 to 30/04/2017 .will i egible to gratuity?? tell me plz…
Yes.. As you have completed 4 years & 7 months (More than 4.5 years & this will be considered 5 years) so you are eligible for gratuity.
Dear Hemant,
Been with this company for some time now, almost 8 years. Its just that the salary gets credited to the account. We dont receive any salary slip. Thus not clear of the basic salary and DA the employer & CA considers. Its a private limited company. The company has now started harassing by totalling changing the job profile as the increment is due this month. As I have no choice, I have to resign from the job. Can you please guide how to go about it.
Dear Geeta,
I will suggest you consult this with your CA.
dear sir
my salary in hand is 14484 but my compani working time 9 year 3 month
please my gratuity kitni banegi please
Dear Chandan,
You can download gratuity calculator to calculate your gratuity.
The download link has been given above.
Hi Iam Ragu – I started working in an organization from 16th Oct 2013 to till 10th feb 2018th. 5 days a week working company is it possible for me to get Gratuity
Dear Raghu,
You have not completed 5 years in the organization so you are not eligible for gratuity.
Would like to know if suppose i worked for May 2018 is it possible to get eligible
Please inform.
Does the gratuity should be counted from the Date of joining or the Date of the confirmation of the job?
Hi Anupam,
This will be counted from the date of confirmation.
Hi Hemant,
I’m working in a private school for last 10yrs & 7months. I had joined it in 2007 August end and I got job confirmation in 01/01/2010. Now I have resigned and this Feb 28th is the last working day of mine in this institution. What should be be my gratuity status. Kindly advise.
A. Jaiswal
Dear Anupam,
As you have completed 5 years (2010 to 2018) so you are eligible for gratuity.
I workd 03/02/2010 to 31/10/2016 .will i egible to gratuity??
Yes… As you have completed 5 years so you are eligible for gratuity.
hello Sir,
I am a teacher I completed 4 years 9 months in my school and got a better job offer for notice period of three months I paid my school an amount of 72800/ please tell me I am eligible for gratuity or not
if yes will you please share me some evidance.
Dear Deepak,
As per gratuity rules, if the employee works above the ground, 240 working days in a year is taken as 1 year for gratuity calculation. So, your 9 months will be counted as 1 year and you will be eligible to receive gratuity. Notice period is included in gratuity calculation.
I am join at 18dec2012 in a fast food industry and 30 Nov 2017 is my last date of this company. I am complet 4 year 11 month 12 days should I eligible for graduate.???
Dear Ragu,
As per Payment of Gratuity Act 1972, a person is eligible for gratuity if he continuously serves the organization for 5 or more years. In your case, you are serving for less than 5 years. Hence you are not eligible for gratuity.
Hello Sir,
I have worked in a private organization which has 5 days working policy for 4 years & 225 days (4 years & 7.5 months), Please confirm if I am eligible for Gratuity pay out
If I am eligible please share evidence.
I feel that 4Y 8M is the minimum period ( 4 yrs 240 days ) for IT employees, as they have 5 days per week. Your 240 days in last year can include holidays, weekends, paid leaves etc.
If it is some coal mine employees ( min oxygen, hazardous job etc ) or some other org wherein 6 days per week exist, minimum period is 4Y 190 days.
Please help me with the details, whether the Notice Period is counted for or not
Dear rahul,
Notice period is counted under period of service for the purpose of gratuity.
Hello Sir
please reply for my question as it is going so troubling for me.
Deepak gandharv February 24, 2018 at 1:51 PM
hello Sir,
I am a teacher I completed 4 years 9 months in my school and got a better job offer for notice period of three months I paid my school an amount of 72800/ please tell me I am eligible for gratuity or not
if yes will you please share me some evidance.
i have completed 4 years and 6 months, whether i will get gratuity. also my salary structure below
As per calculation Salary = Basic Pay + Dearness Allowance + Commission
but my salary having lots of variable, how much i will get if eligible
BASIC 18818.00
HRA 9409.00
MEDICAL 1250.00
LTA 1882.00
Advance SCA 7409.00
Total Earnings 45045.00
Dear manu,
As per Payment of Gratuity Act 1972, a person is eligible for gratuity if he continuously serves the organization for 5 or more years. At present, you are serving for less than 5 years. Hence you are not eligible for gratuity.
How much you will get if eligible? I think your payroll department will provide you more appropriate figures on gratuity calculations.
S Murugadoss
Respected sir, I am retired from TVS private company on 02 Feb 18.My designation was Watchman cum driver. At present I got,
Basic 1096,
Special Basic 739,
Fixed DA 4080,
Variable DA 5825,
Personal pay 5623
I joined this company 11.10.2004.
Retired from 02.02.2018.
Retirement age 58.
I got my gratuity Rs 132176 only.
Is this correct, please clear my doubts.
With Records.
I have joined the company in USA in year 2000 and then I took transfer to India in Jan 2008. My net service credit date is Sept 2000 and in the offer letter in India, it was mentioned that gratuity will be calculated as per the act. Now there is retrenchment going on in the company. How my gratuity will be calculated? Will it for 18 years?
I had joined a private sector organization (covered under Gratuity act – 1972) on 20-Sept-2010 and I am due release from this organization on 23-March-2018, hence I’ll be completing total service period of 7 Year, 6 Months and 3 days.
Could you please let me know – l’ll be eligible for 7 years of Gratuity or 8 Years?
I worked for 23 yrs in a PSU and on resigning I got the Gratuity as per the prevailing law after deduction of IT.
Then I joined a Private company and superannuating this month after serving for 11yrs.
My questions are,
i) Should the earlier drawn gratuity be be added to the current gratuity calculation to determine the 20lakh limit or the gratuity now calculated would be independent of earlier drawn gratuity.
ii) the IT already paid in my earlier Gratuity be considered while calculating IT above 20 lakh limit
I am working in a private secror MNC. Here the basic salary is just 25% of my actual salary, as there are other compnents like statury bonus, HRA, transportation allownce etc.
We dont get any DA, so for calculating the gratuty will it only consider the basic as there is no DA or there is any other component to be added with basis for private sector where there is no DA paid?
Dear sir
special allowance or dearness allowance is same ?
I joined my company 26-09-2006
but my company payroll 01-07-2010
sir meri graguity kab se start hogey
2006 se or 2010 se
I retired on 31/05/2016 after completion of 39 years and 7 months of ser
vice in Canara Bank shall I get 29 lakhs as per new amendment.
Hello Hemant I worked in a private sector company and retired on 30th April 2017. The gratuity amount was Rs 21 lacs of which Rs 10 lacs was given as deduction from taxable amount. Now with the notification dated 29th Mar 2018 amending the Gratuity amount to Rs 20 lacs from Rs 10 lacs for deduction from taxable amount would I be able to ask the Income Tax Officer for an additional Rs 10 lacs deduction w.r.t gratuity in AY 2018-19 Many thanks in advance
Dear All,
i have joined the company on 01.08.2013 and continuing working same company. so pl tell which date I will eligible for graduate.
thanks & regards
Dinesh Kumar Kushwah
is a school comes under this act?
Hi Manoj,
Since the laws were amended in 2009, teachers are eligible for Gratuity.
I retired on 31.12.17 from a Public sector Bank. I got gratuity of Rs 14.70 lakhs. Whether I am entitled for tax exemption for the full amount. Am I eligible for additional amount of gratuity consequent to amendment to the ceiling to Rs 20 Lakhs
It is a general formula for calculating the Gratuity. That is Basic + DA X total Service X 15/26.
My question is that it correct that add all the allowances in last drawn salary means. Basic + DA + All Allowances X Total Service X 15 / 26.
Also I am asking this question related to the employees of newspaper–Working Journalist Act.
Please Answer it.
Thanks !
Hello , I have joined a school in 18 July 2013 till April 2018 , am I eligible for gratutity ? Kindly reply soon
I worked from 18 July 2013 till April 2018 in a school , I m eligible for gratuity ?
Sir, is there counted Grade pay to become proper basic salary means:-
Basic pay+GP =Basic salary
I am working in a IT firm around 4 and 6 month ( till today). Am i eligible for gratuity upon resignation? My company works 5 days a week.
If yes can anybody share the article from Government law. Government site reference link would be preferred.
if any employee got dead in any accident are his legal hair is entitled for gratuity amount if employee total service period is 4 years . if yes then how many amount employer will paid under gratuity. basic wages is 20000 /month
hello Sir ,
I have worked in a private organization. 6 days working policy . i worked from 2 Sep. 2013 to till date .My last working date 16 June 2018.
Please confirm if I am eligible for Gratuity pay out
If I am eligible please share evidence.
I left an IT company on 28th February 2017, but I have not been paid the full gratuity based on my years of service.
Can you please clarify based on the working below. An amount of Rs 3,72,342.50 is due to me.
Last basic ₹ 1,82,979.00
Years of service 13
“Grautuity Due based on 15 days salary for every year of service (Month = 26 days)” ₹ 13,72,342.50
Amount paid ₹ 10,00,000.00
Balance due from the company ₹ 3,72,342.50
Is this correct ?
Vinod Sharma
Dear Hemant Ji
I joined a nation wide private school run by a trust in the year 1987 in Chandigarh and in 1994 i was send on a deputation to Panchkula to start another school as the head of the institution and retired from there on march 31st 2017, there was no break in the service am i entitled for my retirement benefits wef from1987 0r 1994?
Thanks for the calculation sheet, I waisted two days finding the proper calculation of gratuity. I am also not aware of “240 working days in a year” for the private sector.
Now I have to dive back and check whether for my fifth year, I have completed 240 days or not. otherwise, my employer rejects my application.
Thank you once again.
Welcome Amit 🙂
Dear sir I have worked 39 years of service and I have retired in the month of October 2017. At that my Basic plus DA is 80,360.00 (10 months average).
How much Gratuity will come as per gratuity rules.
hi hemant,
my father is working in CA’s office as office boy since 15 years and more. they are having more than 10 employees including apprentices CA students. they don’t give gratuity to any one. so kindly let me know how can we get the gratuity from them, what proof we required to proof that he is working there since 15+ years. in short the process to get gratuity from such people.
Hi sir
What is dearness allowance? Hra, personal allowance, vehicle maintenance allowance…..does all are included in da?
Dear jay,
Dearness Allowance is cost of living adjustment allowance which the government pays to the employees of the public sector as well as pensioners of the same. Dearness Allowance can be basically understood as a component of salary which is some fixed percentage of the basic salary, aimed at hedging the impact of inflation. All other above mentioned allowances are not included in DA.
Hi Hemant
I am working in a ltd company. And this company have 6 day working days in a week, my joining date is 4 june 2014. Can you please suggest me that as per the government rules and policies, what is the maturity date for my gratuity.Is notice period have any effect on maturity period because right now I am on notice period
Dear Ragu,
As per Payment of Gratuity Act 1972, a person is eligible for gratuity if he continuously serves the organization for 5 or more years. In your case, you are serving for less than 5 years. Hence you are not eligible for gratuity.
Hi Hemant,
I Joined my present company on 8th july 2014 and we have 5 day working days per week and iam currently working with the same company.I would like to resign on 8th march 2019 giving 3 months notice period.By this coming march i will be completing 4.8 years.So Please let me know am i eligible for getting gratuity.Does this 5 day per week will make any changes in completion of 4.8 years.Please confirm
By the way your article on Gratuity collection is very useful.Thanks for this great article.
Dear Hemant Sir,
I have worked in my previous company for 4 Yrs. 10 months 15 days. Can i be eligible for gratuity. I have left my previous organization on 23/03/2016, but till date company has not done my full and final settlement. Whether company should give me interest of my pending dues.
after 9 years of job, gratuity turns into pension?
plz explain
if yes then what is the criteria for pension withdrawal.
How Company can get Tax Benefits by setting up a Gratuity Trust before 31.03.2019 ?
Gratuity benefits are governed by “The Payment of Gratuity Act 1972” and paid by the Company to an employee in addition to his salary on exit from the company. Gratuity shall be payable to an employee on the termination of his employment after he has rendered continuous service for not less than five years, –
(a) on his superannuation, or
(b) on his retirement or resignation, or
(c) on his death or disablement due to accident or disease:
Provided that the completion of continuous service of five years shall not be necessary where the termination of the employment of any employee is due to death or disablement:
Gratuity is a statutory right of employee whoever completes 5 years in the same organization and is a terminal benefit. It means, Gratuity amount can be determined only on the monthly terminal wages of the employee on his exit from the Company after completion of 5 years of Service. The cost is to be borne by the Company and not by an employee. hence, unlike other fringe benefits (i.e. Medical Insurance, Term Insurance & Accidental Insurance) it can not be part of CTC.
To understand this, let us take an Example,
Mr. A Joins the Organization with a Basic Pay of Rs. 26,000/- per month and monthly CTC of 50,000/-. Assuming that expected increase in basic salary is assumed to be 10% p.a.
Now Gratuity Payments for next 5 years will be :-
On Completion of 1 Yr – (15/26)* 28,600*1 = 16,500/-
On Completion of 2 Yrs – (15/26)*31,460*2 = 36,300/-
On Completion of 3 Yrs – (15/26)*34,606*3 = 59,895/-
On Completion of 4 Yrs – (15/26)*38,067*4 = 87,847/-
On Completion of 5 Yrs – (15/26)*41,873*5 = 1,20,788/-
Now for making the payment of gratuity, Company has 2 options :
(i) Pay as you go option – Where company makes a provision of Gratuity in the Balance Sheet on the accrual basis taking an actuarial report on BS date from an Actuary and as and when Mr. A leaves the organization, company pay gratuity from their resources and get the tax benefit for the gratuity paid.
Expected Tax Benefit calculation in case of “Pay as you Go Option” :-
For Provision of 1st Yr – NIL
For Provision of 2nd Yr – NIL
For Provision of 3rd Yr – NIL
For Provision of 4th Yr – NIL
For Payment on 5th Yr – 1,20,788/-
In this case company, Mr. A will leave the company then company will get the tax benefit of Rs. 1,20,788/-.
(ii) Funding Option – In this option, Company decides to Setup an Approved Gratuity Trust . The Investment of Company is either “Self Managed ” or “ Managed by Insurance Company”. Company contribute the annual contribution in this Gratuity Trust and get the Tax Benefits. In this case, when Mr. A will leave the company, gratuity will be to Mr. A from the Gratuity Trust.
Expected Tax Benefit calculation in case of “Funding Option” under Section 36(1)(v) of the IT Act 1961 for Annual Contribution which is 8.33% of Annual Basic Salary of Employee.
For Contribution of 1st Yr – 28,600*12*0.833 = 28,589/-
For Contribution of 2nd Yr – 31,460*12*0.833 = 31,447/-
For Contribution of 3rd Yr – 34,606*12*0.833 = 34,592/-
For Contribution of 4th Yr – 38,067*12*0.833 = 38,051/-
For Contribution of 5th Yr – 38,067*12*0.833 = 41,857/-
In this case, Mr. A will get gratuity of Rs. 1,20,788/- from the Gratuity Trust and employer will get approximate Tax Benefits of Rs.1,74,536/- for annual contribution made by him in previous 5 years.
To get more clarity on the above example, let us take some more questions about the possibilities/event that may happen on or after completion of 5 years and their impact on the Company in case of “Funding Option” :-
Question 1. If employee died during 1st to 4th year before completion of 5th year, then what would be the benefit for Company and employee’s Nominee ?
Answer 1. If employees died after 1 yr, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year but before completion of 5th year, then the company will get tax benefits for the following contributions:-
For Contribution of 1st Yr – 28,600*12*0.833 = 28,589/-
For Contribution of 2nd Yr – 31,460*12*0.833 = 31,447/-
For Contribution of 3rd Yr – 34,606*12*0.833 = 34,592/-
For Contribution of 4th Yr – 38,067*12*0.833 = 38,051/-
The company will get the Tax for the contribution made by him before the date of death of the employee as stated above and employee’s nominee will get following Gratuity Payments from the Trust along with a future service gratuity subject to certain limits as defined by the Insurance Company whilst taking Group Gratuity Scheme from the Insurance Company.
Question 2. If the employee resigns during 1st to 4th year and before completion of 5th year, then what would be the benefit for Company and employee?
Answer 2. If employees resign during 1st to 4th year and before completion of 5th year, then the company will get tax benefits for the following contributions:-
For Contribution of 1st Yr – 28,600*12*0.833 = 28,589/-
For Contribution of 2nd Yr – 31,460*12*0.833 = 31,447/-
For Contribution of 3rd Yr – 34,606*12*0.833 = 34,592/-
For Contribution of 4th Yr – 38,067*12*0.833 = 38,051/-
For Contribution of 5th Yr – 38,067*12*0.833 = 41,857/-
and the employee will not get following Gratuity Payment from the Trust. The amount contributed by the company and interest accrued will be used by the trust for future payments of Gratuity to other employees of the company.
Question 3. If the employee resigns/retires after completion of 5th year, then what would be the benefit for Company and employee?
Answer 3. If employees resigns/retires during after completion of 5th year, then the company will get tax benefits for the following contributions:-
For Contribution of 1st Yr – 28,600*12*0.833 = 28,589/-
For Contribution of 2nd Yr – 31,460*12*0.833 = 31,447/-
For Contribution of 3rd Yr – 34,606*12*0.833 = 34,592/-
For Contribution of 4th Yr – 38,067*12*0.833 = 38,051/-
For Contribution of 5th Yr – 38,067*12*0.833 = 41,857/-
Total Contribution in 5 years………………………= Rs.1,74,536/-
and the employee will get Rs. 1,20,788/- as Gratuity Payment from the Trust. Since the company has contributed an amount in the trust is more then what is payable after 5th year so the surplus amount and interest accrued on the contributions of will be used by the trust for payment to the other employees.
From above examples of “Pay as you go Option” and “Funding Option,” it is clear that Gratuity cannot be a part of CTC but it is a legal obligation which is borne by the Company on exit of the employee.
The Company may have an option to set up a Gratuity Trust and make an annual contribution in the “Irrevocable Trust” so that he can avail the tax benefits Section 36(1)(v) of the IT Act 1961 and will have a Corpus in “Irrevocable Trust” which will be exclusively used by the Trustees to meet with Company obligation towards Gratuity Payments.
We have provide consultancy for administration Gratuity Trust Fund in various organization in all sectors of Indian Economy on receipt of their Management request and If you wish to know details like:-
1. Who can be covered under Gratuity Trust Fund?
2. How can companies administer Gratuity Trust and avail of the tax benefits?
3. Benefits to Employer,
4. Benefits to Employee,
5. Gratuity Trust Fund -Interpretation of Tax Implications.
We may also be contacted for the structuring of other Retention Schemes, Group Health Insurances, Group Terms Insurances, Group Annuity Plans, Property/Fire Insurances and investment in 100% risk Free Government of India Bonds (GOI Bonds)
Hi, I worked for a Pvt Ltd Security Company since 16th Apr 2011 till 31st Jan 2019. I was on leave from 17th Dec 2018 till 09th March 2019 , Due to a medical problem , requested to be relieved with effect 01 Feb 2019. The company accordingly relived me with effect 01 Feb 2019 as a special case. My salary break up was- Basic= Rs. 85000; HRA = Rs. 51,000/- & Conveyance = Rs. 34,000/- . Request you to please calculate my Gratuity dues and oblige. thanks
If employee worked 03 years and left the organisation but company ready to pay the Gratuity for 03 years, in this case 03 years Gratuity amount is covered under tax exemption, please confirm.
Hi Prakash,
From my point of view, gratuity is paid only to those employees who completed 5 years of continuous service, so working for 3 years, it’s not considered as a Gratuity, hence not covered under tax exemption.
For more confirmation, consult with your CA.
I have joined my company on 29 Aug 2014 and may last working day is 25th July 2019. During my period I took maternity leave for 3 months. is I am available for gratuity or not. Bcoz Hr is saying 5 years is maindaitry for Gratuity. But my friends is saying 4 years and 8 month. Plz suggest in this regards. company having 6 days working and 1 Saturday off.
Hi Mannt,
For Gratuity, you have to complete at least 5 years of continuous service.
Hi Mannt,
For Gratuity, you have to complete at least 5 years of continuous service.
Private sector workers daily wage salaries .4 years & 3 months duty after company work closed. Please confirm gratuity benefits ya gratuity against other benefits ?
I found your article very informative and you had great use of facts throughout the article.
Thanks for sharing this valuable information with us, it is a really helpful article!
Thanks for sharing. It is a really helpful article!
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